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SustainBench is an open-source Python package that provides a standardized interface for sustainability datasets. It contains data loaders which handle data download, processing, and splits, and dataset evaluators which standardize model evaluation. The SustainBench dataloader structure is heavily inspired by WILDS.


We recommend installing SustainBench from the GitHub source:

git clone


This code was tested on a system with the following specifications:

operating system: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4
memory (RAM): 125 GB
disk storage: 5 TB

The main software requirements are Python 3.7 with TensorFlow r1.15, PyTorch 1.9, and R 4.1. The complete list of required packages and library are listed in the two conda environment YAML files (env_create.yml and env_bench.yml), which are meant to be used with conda (version 4.10). See here for instructions on installing conda via Miniconda. Once conda is installed, run one of the following commands to set up the desired conda environment:

conda env update -f env_create.yml --prune
conda env update -f env_bench.yml --prune

The conda environment files default to CPU-only packages. If you have a GPU, please comment/uncomment the appropriate lines in the environment files; you may need to also install CUDA 10 or 11 and cuDNN 7.

Downloading SustainBench

If running these scripts for the first time, you may need to download the datasets by setting download=True. Due to a quota on data downloads on Google Drive, we have disabled automatic download for SustainBench datasets (e.g., download=False by default). Manual download instructions for datasets are provided in each respective dataset web page.

Using the SustainBench package


SustainBench provides a standardized interface for all datasets in the benchmark.

>>> from sustainbench import get_dataset
>>> from sustainbench.common.data_loaders import get_train_loader

# Load the full dataset, and download it if necessary
>>> dataset = get_dataset(dataset='crop_delineation', download=True)

# Get the training set
>>> train_data = dataset.get_subset('train')

# Prepare the standard data loader
>>> train_loader = get_train_loader('standard', train_data, batch_size=16)

# Train loop
>>> for x, y_true in train_loader:
...   ...


SustainBench standardizes evaulation for each dataset.

>>> from sustainbench import get_dataset
>>> from sustainbench.common.data_loaders import get_eval_loader

# Load the full dataset, and download it if necessary
>>> dataset = get_dataset(dataset='crop_delineation', download=True)

# Get the test set
>>> test_data = dataset.get_subset('test')

# Prepare the data loader
>>> test_loader = get_eval_loader('standard', test_data, batch_size=16)

# Get predictions for the full test set
>>> for x, y_true in test_loader:
...   y_pred = model(x)
...   [accumulate y_true, y_pred]

# Evaluate
>>> dataset.eval(all_y_pred, all_y_true)
{'recall_macro_all': 0.66, ...}